Sunday, January 18, 2015

Be Stronger Than Your Excuses

I can think of a whole host of reasons not to go to the gym, not to drink enough water, not to watch what I eat.  I can justify with the best of them, but in the end, all these reasons just do one thing: keep me from reaching my goal of being the healthiest, happiest me. (And err... you know... having the body I've always wanted.)

Some times I have to dig out my favorite workout tank and let it do the lecturing reminding. "Be stronger than your excuses" it happily chirps at me when I want to settle for anything less than my best effort.

I've been thinking a lot about motivation and will power lately, and about why some people will succeed at reaching their fitness goals and others won't quite ever make it.   I've even started reading a book called The Marshmallow Test. (Review forthcoming, promise! But it's been a fascinating read so far.) One of the strategies thus far presented for dealing with temptation is to make a plan for what you are going to do when temptation strikes.  Yeah, yeah, you've heard that one before.  If you were a child of the 80's, you learned that in the D.A.R.E. classes you had to take. But most of us don't think about applying that to things we allow to sabotage us in regards to our health.

What would happen if we made a list of all our best excuses? If you're the artsy sort, draw them as little monsters.

And then what would happen if we made a list of come-backs to tell ourselves when the little monsters started talking to us.

Here are some of the best excuses I've either used or heard (and my own come-backs). I won't lie-- it's kind of a tough love list.
I don't have time! Do you have time to be in the hospital or dead? And you spend how long playing games on facebook? One hour is 4% of your day... you can't find that?
I can't afford a gym membership or a trainer! It cost's too much money to eat well!  But you can afford a fancy handbag? Invest in your health-- it's going to be around a lot longer than most of the purchases you think you can't live without. Besides, a gym membership and a trainer combined probably cost less than a plethora of doctors visits and prescriptions...
I'm too tired! Part of the reason you're tired is that you're not getting any exercise, and you're eating crappy food that doesn't fuel your body properly. 
I don't believe in lifting weights! Do you believe in having joint pain because the muscles surrounding the joints aren't strong enough to do their job? Do you believe in having really bad posture because your back isn't strong enough to hold you upright? Do you believe in burning a few hundred calories while you're on the treadmill, or burning them all day long--even while you're sleeping?
I walk every day! Good for you, but this doesn't get your heartrate high enough or burn enough calories to do the things you are hoping it will. 
I can't remember to drink water or I don't like it! That's fine.  Slow your metabolism down, have little energy, increase your blood pressure, and all sorts of other nasty things.  How's that water sound now?
I don't want to have to sacrifice eating things I love!  Good nutrition involves eating a variety of things, and everything in moderation and in balance with your body's needs.  It doesn't mean that you have to live on celery! 
I don't want anyone to see me jiggle in the gym. (This one seriously almost kept me from darkening a gym...ever.) Better jiggle in the gym for a while than jiggle every where you go!  Besides, getting healthy is not about what any one else thinks of you! And truth-- most people will see that you're working hard and you will inspire them. 

Ok, so what are your best excuses?

Here's another one of my favorites:  I'm too old.

Ok, but tell that to this guy, who is one of my clients.  (And who is pictured curling 8lb dumbbells like a champ.) Yeah, he's 99.

What ever your excuses are, I hope you'll find a way to show yourself (and others) that you are so much stronger than even the strongest excuse!

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